Community Partner Presentation: The Ripple Effect
September 10 at 7:00pm
NR | 1h 33m | FREE
Pure Michigan Theatre | 187 seats
Join Manistee County Suicide Awareness & Prevention Coalition, LRBOI Be Da Bin Behavioral Health, and Centra Wellness for this evening of awareness.
SUICIDE: THE RIPPLE EFFECT is a feature length documentary film focusing on the effects of suicide and the tremendous positive ripple effects of advocacy, inspiration and hope that are helping millions heal & stay alive.
The film highlights the journey of Kevin Hines, who at age 19, attempted to take his life by jumping from the Golden Gate Bridge.
Focusing on Kevin’s personal journey and the ripple effect it has on those who have been impacted by his suicide attempt, the film highlights the stories of individuals and families who are utilizing their personal tragedy to bring hope and healing to others.
After the film there will be a discussion on the movie’s themes and what steps community partners can take.
What can our community do? How can we work together for a better future?