Industrial Group Donates to Vogue Theatre Restoration
Manistee, Michigan – As Michigan Governor Rick Snyder remarked in his Message on Community Development and Local Government Reforms: “Neighborhoods, cities and regions are awakening to the importance of place in economic development. They are planning for a future that recognizes the critical importance of quality of life to attracting talent, entrepreneurship and encouraging local businesses.”
Manistee’s Industrial Development Corporation has made a donation of $39,000 to support the restoration of the historic Vogue Theatre and, in doing so, underscored their understanding, support and leadership for making Manistee a place where workers, businesses and families want to locate, invest and expand.
“Once we saw the plan and understood the opportunity, it was a slam-dunk for us to contribute to the restoration of the Vogue,” said Dave Adams, Board Chair of the IDC and owner of Bear Lake Hardware, Lumber & Supply who also serves as the chair on the Workforce Development Board for the Northwest Michigan Council of Governments. “As we have seen in Traverse City with the State Theatre, we agree that the restoration of the Vogue not only recaptures an important cultural asset for our County but also sends a signal to entrepreneurs and businesses that we are planning and developing our communities in ways that will support their quality of life and prosperity. Economic well-being and quality of life go hand-in-hand. We encourage everyone, particularly those in our business community, to join us in restoring the Vogue as an important stepping stone toward revitalizing our economy.”
The Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) is a private, community focused investment company. Its primary purpose is to assist in attracting new businesses to Manistee County and to help existing businesses expand through loans and grants. The IDC’s board meets quarterly to consider proposals and opportunities in support of its business assistance mission.
“We could not be more pleased that the IDC is providing leadership in our business and industrial sector by stepping up with a wonderful contribution to the Vogue’s restoration,” said Steve Brower, chair of the Vogue Theatre Capital Campaign. “Manistee’s industrial base is iconic and is one of the few manufacturing regions in Michigan that continues to grow and re-invest in its future, backed by strong, visionary leaders and entrepreneurship. We are grateful for the IDC’s support and welcome other businesses to join as partners in this investment that will yield great return throughout the County and region.”
Financial contributions in support of restoring the Vogue Theatre may be directed to the Vogue Theatre Restoration Fund of the Manistee County Community Foundation (MCCF). The MCCF, a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization, serves as the fiduciary for the Theatre’s capital campaign on behalf of the Historic Vogue Theatre of Mansitee, the nonprofit that is overseeing the restoration. Gifts may be made payable to MCCF-Vogue Theatre Restoration Fund or made online at Contact the Community Foundation at 231-723-7269. Visit for additional information about the effort and campaign.