movie etiquette
Tips to Share
Bring patience! Enjoy those around you by respecting the personal space of others while you wait for everyone’s turn at the concessions counter. Remember, the Vogue is staffed almost entirely by volunteers who want everyone to feel welcome and special. You can help our volunteers serve you by helping children make candy selections or drink choices.
Use your manners in the theatre! Items you don’t eat belong in a trash can. Please keep your feet off the upholstered chairs and armrests. We have booster seats available for our smallest patrons so that everyone can feel special at the show.
Popcorn happens! We get it. No worries. Just alert one of our friendly staff or volunteers and we can help you with your spills.
You aren’t streaming on your couch anymore! This is a big screen shared cinema experience with others in the audience. It is what makes going to the movies so special – you share it with others! Remember to keep distractions to a minimum – turn off cell phones, teach kids to whisper – and settle into the “experience” of sharing a movie together. Keep focused on the film – there is no “pause” or “rewind” button so young people might need to be reminded not to talk and stay seated at the movies.
Your child might not be ready! Movies provide a sensory experience and it is quite possible they are not mature enough. Make sure that you have done your research about the film to make sure it is a good fit. Things to keep in mind – rating, running time, themes – and often overlooked- trailers, visual effects and intense sounds. We recommend using Common Sense Media to set your family up for success at the cinema.
Help take care of your Vogue Theatre! Our youngest patrons can learn to care for our beautiful community-based, mission-driven theatre by removing their own trash and sorting it at the recycling bins after the movie. Did you know The Vogue recycles items offsite? – all empty paperboard candy boxes, empty popcorn tubs, plastic, glass, aluminum, AND even our used compostable eco-friendly blue straws! So have the kids get in on the action by helping our volunteer usher prepare for the next show.
Movies are magic! We wish your family many happy returns to this special place.